windfarms in Cambridgeshire

Coldham wind farm, CambridgeShire.
This 8 turbine windfarm in Coldham near Wisbeach and Downham Market, is being run by the Co-operative group and Scottish Power. The turbines produce about 16 Mega Watts of renewable energy which is enough to supply 9000 homes with electricity. To achieve this using conventional power generation would require 35,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere.

Stags Holt wind farm, nr March, Cambridgeshire.
Stags Holt consists of 9 onshore turbines, capabale of providing 15.75 Mega watts of power equivalent to that used by 9,500 homes. The wind farm is located 3 miles north-east of March in Cambridgeshire in the heart of rural East Anglia.